Siege Picks

Siege Apparel is much more than a clothing brand. A "Siege" is one of many terms used for herds of hippos, which happen to be the logo of our company. The term "Siege" sprouted from a large group of friends who have stuck by each other through thick and thin, always being there for one another, and always keeping each other in line. Siege isn't just about clothes. It's about brotherhood, friendship, and the good memories that come with. While not all directly involved with Siege Apparel, there are 18 friends that come together to represent the Siege of Hippos. Joe, Johnny, Jake, Ethan, Connor, Gage, Brenden, Cohen, Tyler, Levi, Clayton, Quin, Wyatt, Cam, Sam, Camden, Ben, and Mario. To Acknowledge these members, Siege Apparel created Siege Picks! The idea behind this is to let every member of the Siege get their own design on their choice of clothing. For instance, if you would like to see Ben's design, it will be listed as "Ben's Pick". Siege Picks was created especially to recognize the people that made Siege possible and the ones that carry the message that Siege aspires to spread.

Collection: Products